S. No | Males | Females | Sex Ratio (Females for 1000 Males) | Rural | Urban | Rural Population (%) | Urban Population (%) |
1 | 504620 | 501091 | 993 | 696727 | 308984 | 69.28 | 30.72 |
Demography of Karimnagar Urban City
Karimnagar has a population of 261,185 within its corporation limits, according to 2011 census, making it the fourth largest city in Telangana state. Karimnagar Urban Agglomeration comprising Municipal Corporation(2,61,185), its out growths (28,636) and a Census town (Rekurthi:7,626) together constitute a population of 297,447. City out growths include Bommakal (with a population of 9,031), Arepalle (6,987), Alugunur (6,164), Chinthakunta (3,437) and Sitharampur (3,017). Besides these outgrowths, there are many sub-urban areas on the outskirts, which are yet to be merged into corporation limits. It is the most densely populated city in Telangana, with a density of 11,114 persons per km2.
Karimnagar city has a literacy rate of 85.82%, which is highest urban literacy rate in Telangana state. Karimnagar urban agglomeration has a literacy rate of 84.93% which is almost equal to the National Urban average of 85%. The literacy rate for males and females for Karimnagar urban region stood at 91.06% and 78.69% respectively.